Happy evening! Or should I say night?
I'm glad that my dad has prepared all the documents! I just need his signature for a form and go back to the specialist centre in PJ to do the urine test and I'm done. Since I'm too tired to drive back to PJ tomorrow (and I'm very sure that parents won't allow me anyway) so I guess I'll be heading back to PJ on Friday morning
Today is the last day of the year of 2008. Unlike most of the people out there, I am NOT celebrating the arrival of 2009. I never celebrate New Year's Eve. I never understand why there is such a need to celebrate it
New year, to me, signifies only one thing; I'll be one year older. I don't know why people make new year's resolutions though, 'cause I never make one. Do you need to wait until the coming of the new year to make your list of resolutions? I don't think so, simply because I believe that changes constantly happen
Parties, parties and more parties. I just don't get it. I'd rather stay at home watching TV, eating a bowl of ice-cream and blogging wtf. No I don't have a boring life, it's just that I'm not a whore desperately seeking attention from some strangers at a nightclub. Okay, maybe I have a boring life, but it's so good I'm loving every piece of it. I've done a lot of bad things already, why bother to add more to the list?
Anyway, hello 2009. Do treat Yani and her loved ones nicely. More $$$ to be saved and spent, and more time without those thick law textbooks, please. And good health too. But hey I ask for these everyday. And I even ask more on my birthday. Hope Allah will answer my prayer, amin
Good night people :)
written♥ @9:26 PM
Happy morning!
I'm home! Back in my hometown. I left PJ at 8am and I drove rather slow today (thankGod I didn't speed up today, there was a speed trap at the PLUS highway this morning) so I arrived in Ipoh at 10 something am
I'm back here to collect my parents' salary statements, their photocopies of IC and birth certificates and other things related to my LL.B registration on next Monday. I was planning to go to Sime Darby Specialist Centre to do my urine test today, but I was thinking that it might be too late then to go back to Ipoh to collect the needed stuffs, so I just went back today and might be going to the hospital on this weekend instead
Insya Allah Neno will stay with me. Gonna keep convincing my dad that I'll take good care of 'him' (yes, my car is a male wtf) Later!
written♥ @10:48 AM
Happy morning!
So I've been missing for a few days. I was having some personal problems on Friday and Saturday, and I felt totally down. But I was getting fine on Saturday :D we went to KL (my man was asking me to go to Jalan TAR) but I decided that we could go to Sogo instead. My man bought two pillows, a comforter set, a pair of black shoes for me (for class wtf) and a pair of shoes for himself! And I bought a white tee for LL.B. Period. Sogo is selling the cheapest chocolate fondue! I bought this RM5 marshmallow dipped with yummy chocolate and loved it!
I was getting better on Monday (yes, yesterday) so my man and I went to Cineleisure to watch The Spirit. 11.30am. The earliest show of the day wtf. The movie was, hmm weird I almost didn't get it. I should have downloaded it on the net, for free
Then we went to TTDI for lunch. RM30 per head? Crazy. The dishes are not even that nice, you know. Since it was 2pm (and still early to go home) we went straight to Midvalley. I was thinking about getting this simple tunic I saw at Dorothy Perkins earlier at Subang Parade but when we were there at Midvalley I just couldn't buy it. I already have too many clothes, and I only wear them like once or twice before buying some more. But I bought an Adidas tee for my man. I thought he looked nice wearing i I couldn't help it but bought it for him :)
Walked around but still didn't manage to buy anything for myself. Left Midvalley with heartache and we went to Shah Alam 'cause my man wanted to get a haircut. We went to Courts, somewhere in Shah Alam to look for a vacuum cleaner. I thought we could get more choices at Courts in Mutiara Damansara (besides IKEA) so we went to Mutiara Damansara. Yes, we were that random. Mutiara Damansara->TTDI->Midvalley->Shah Alam->Mutiara Damansara in one day! ThankGod my man found the perfect vacuum cleaner we then went home. I was so tired (I was wearing heels for the whole day) and the moment I reached home, Kung Fu Hustle was airing on TV3! I love the movie, so I decided not to sleep until 12am. So I watched it till the end and then went straight to bed
Woke up early today, 'cause Min and I are going to UiTM to take our mini transcripts. Later! :)
written♥ @8:57 AM
Happy morning!
I'm back in PJ. Off from Ipoh yesterday, at 11am and arrived here after 2 hours of driving. My man and I went to Shah Alam last night 'cause I wanted to eat Chinese food for dinner, and the only halal Chinese restaurant that I know of is Thai Asam Fish Restaurant at Sek 7. I ordered butter mantis prawn (my favourite!), siew pak choy with mushroom and soy sauce, and my man ordered steamed fish. I promised to pay the bill so RM50 was paid for the great food :)
I'm going shopping *or maybe window shopping* tomorrow, weehoo! Public holiday is love :) I'm thinking to get some LL.B stuffs, probably a white shirt and a pair of black wedges, since I can no longer wear flip flops to class wtf. I wear flip flops to class during my BLS and nobody bothers anyway (oh, except Prof Ibrahim. He once noticed me wearing flip flops in his class so he then said something, something about hmm, sorry I couldn't remember what he said 'cause I wasn't paying attention)
I need to pay my studies fee, buy my LL.B stuffs, do medical checkups, pay my house rent blahblahblah. Whatever happens to buying things that are not related to my studies? :( okay I'm damn emotional now wtf
Will have chicken for dinner tonight! Wee! Will ask my man to prepare the veggies. And we also plan to watch some movies :)
PS: I am menstruating. Hate the period pain :( PMS wtf
written♥ @8:55 AM
Woot woot!
I'm heading back to PJ :)
written♥ @10:05 AM
LL.B (Hons) here I come
written♥ @4:31 PM
Happy morning!
I woke up at 7.45am today (yes, that's very early thank you) 'cause I slept at 10 something pm last night! And I missed watching Bionic Woman on ntv7 wtf. I went straight to the kitchen and found nothing to eat. So hungry 'cause my mom only bought me a kebab last night (she doesn't know that I don't like kebab) but I ate it anyway
I then uploaded a new profile picture at my Facebook; me wearing the vintage dress (that I intended to sell wtf). Replied SMSs from some friends. Called my man (how could he go shopping without my presence yesterday!?). Talked to parents about my studies fee. Blahblahblah
I'll be driving back to PJ tomorrow morning. My parents and lil bro are going to Indonesia for a vacation ('cause I refuse to join them). The eldest bro is working so he's not joining them as well. I have stopped talking to him, you might not believe this but we haven't spoken to each other for more than 10 years. And yes, I stopped talking to my lil bro too, the day I left home for college
I cannot wait to go shopping with my man! :)
My dad has already banked in some amount of money (my studies fee, weekly allowance etc) but what if I don't get the offer for LL.B? What will happen if I can't make it? Now I'm scared. Now I'm beginning to get emotional wtf
written♥ @9:58 AM
Happy afternoon!
Guess where I am right now? Back in my hometown :)
I drove all the way from PJ alone, it was very, very tiring!
I left PJ at 11 something am and arrived in Ipoh at 1pm. My parents were not at home (and they are still not here while I'm writing this) so I just parked my Neno at the garage inside
Why am I here? Well on last Friday, I got a call from dad, very late at night. Probably around 12am. I was so afraid to pick up the call, 'cause we (my man and I) were driving around KL doing nothing (oh, maybe wasting money wtf) so I waited until I got back home (around 1am) and I called him back. But all I got was his voicemail. So I decided to call our houseline and guess what? It was my mom who answered the call! My mom was awake at 1am!? So I thought 'okay, this is really weird'. My mom told me something about flood at our neighbourhood area! So our house was affected too, water came in blahblah. Thank GOD our house was the least affected, with only the garage and the wet kitchen. Other houses were severely damaged :(
So my mom asked me whether I wanted to go back home and I was like 'okay, I'll be there on Sunday'. So here I am in Ipoh! My house is clean enough like there's nothing happening. But other houses are badly affected and my neighbours (I don't even know any of them yes I'm so anti-social wtf) are still cleaning their houses
The fastest record today: 170kmh. I swear I'm a good driver, if it was not because of that stupid Wira, I wouldn't drive like that. So when I'm driving back to PJ on next Tuesday, I promise I won't be speeding up okay? 100-120kmh :D
written♥ @1:32 PM
Whatever happens to gmail today?
I've got a potential buyer for my vintage dress! But gmail, being crazy it is, prevents me from sending the pictures to her
Hmm. Hmm
Facebook sucks too. Or is it because of this broadband?
Hmm. Hmm
Will be fetching my man at his office and then have dinner somewhere
written♥ @5:40 PM
Happy afternoon!
I was surfing the net (as usual) last night when my man came and said he wanted to give me something. And then he handed me a small laptop case (in light pink!) So I looked inside, yes okay, it was empty. I knew that he went to PC Fair before I came back here so I thought maybe it was a free gift or something. Then he showed me this cute box, I opened it and OMG! It was a white lenovo netbook (something like a tiny laptop in case you're wondering *'cause I myself have no idea it's called netbook initially*)
My man bought me a new mini laptop!
*singing lalala with no lyrics wtf*
My laptops (note there are 2 Ss) were stolen when some bastards robbed his previous house (I kept them at his place) a few months ago. My dad didn't know about it, otherwise I might not be here blogging (you know, my dad would kill me or something wtf) so I had to use my man's old laptop (which does not belong to him anyway, it's temporarily given by the employer for work purposes). Alhamdulillah, now I can use the new netbook for my studies :)
Thank you ALLAH
Thank you my love :)
So what am I doing today? I'm heading to the kitchen to cook my own fried rice! *UPDATED* OMG it was so good! I ate like a pig; that's how good I am at cooking fried rice wtf
written♥ @1:22 PM
Result is out. Result is out. Result is out
ALHAMDULILLAH. Pass. CGPA: 3.++ Bad! Bad! But considering I wasn't studying that hard, this might be okay.
Thank you ALLAH :)
PS: I am graduating! Bachelor of Legal Studies (Hons)!
written♥ @4:39 PM
Happy morning!
Remember about the two tops and one vintage dress that I bought the other day? One top arrived on Tuesday and the dress just arrived yesterday. Both looked seriously gorgeous in pictures (the sellers' pictures wtf) but I don't quite like them :(
I am not sure whether the top is cotton or linen (the seller told me it's linen, but honestly, I don't know what linen is) and it needs to be ironed! I never like ironing my clothes, never. So yes, I'm pretty upset. And the dress is quite big for me, it doesn't 'hug' me as it is supposed to do. And it is so vintage, I don't know whether I can carry the style. It makes me look like a granny, happily serving a cup of tea to her grandchild wtf
Another top was sent to me yesterday, so it would probably be arriving today. I hope it looks good on me. Now I'm starting to regret my buys!
Hate, hate, hate my buys! I am actually thinking to sell back them. Or maybe ONE of them. Probably the vintage dress. Vintage is a big NO-NO for me. I've learnt my lesson :(
PS: Result! Result! Result!
written♥ @9:27 AM
Yes, I've arrived here in PJ on last Monday. And been very busy 'visiting' Sunway Pyramid (one of my favourite malls) and Cineleisure to watch Body of Lies. My man and I were thinking to watch this Twilight movie (I don't mind being a vampire if there's a hottie like Edward Cullen) but then we changed our mind ('cause Twilight could be downloaded on the internet and as a matter of fact, I am downloading it right now wtf) and we thought that the movie might be something like Blood & Chocolate which was a total rubbish. Yes, like seriously
Watched Transporter 3 at home yesterday (just after we got back from Cineleisure). The quality of the movie was okay, I didn't expect much since I downloaded it from the internet for free! But I didn't finish watching it, I was damn sleepy so I slept right after looking at the Russian lass with lots of freckles together with Jason Statham in the movie
So what am I doing today? A lot, actually. I'm updating my Facebook, watching Derrick Barry on YouTube (OMG he's fucking gorgeous! His flat tummy is to die for! And I bet his hair is much better than Britney's wtf), checking e-mails and browsing some local blogshops, watching CSI on AXN and frying fries
And this Celcom broadband thingy is very fast! My man actually took the slowest (and the cheapest) package but it could not have been much better! We are practically very satisfied :) Long live CELCOM!
PS: the result is not coming out today as promised! But it will; tomorrow! *sighs*. My friends have been calling and SMSing me like crazy. Hmm
written♥ @5:24 PM
"Who's more idiotic? The idiot or the idiot who follows the idiot?"
written♥ @3:27 PM
I'll be going back to PJ tomorrow. Will be driving Neno (my Satria Neo, wee!) and Leeloo (my Hyundai i10) will be left at home. But, but; only for a few weeks. 'Cause my dad isn't happy with the idea of me 'keeping' Neno without his 'supervision' wtf.
PS: result! :(
written♥ @12:02 PM
I am frustrated
I am depressed
I am disappointed
PS: If only. If only
written♥ @3:34 PM
It's Satuday! :)
Tomorrow will be the day of: Sunday
And the day after Sunday will be the day of: Monday
And what will happen on Monday? I'll be meeting up with my man!
But here comes the
nightmare. The result will come out any sooner!
What I need, right now;

What I am doing, right now;
Watching P.S. I Love You. Not as interesting as the novel, though *boo!*
written♥ @11:36 AM
I'm so happy; the fact that I've bought THREE (3) beautiful things today for only RM118!
Two tops (of lace and gorgeous prints!) and one VINTAGE dress (of lace *again!*, cute buttons and floral prints)
Love, love, love my buys!
PS: they are accidentally found at some local blogshops. Brilliant! :)
written♥ @7:03 PM
What is ONE thing that will make me happy *for now*?

LV Monogram Canvas; Palermo PM
You! *yes you, stranger* Mind buying this for me?
written♥ @7:03 PM
After The Storm: A Rainbow Waits For You
After the storm; a rainbow waits for you.
If it were not for the struggles; how would we ever learn to endure.
After the wind, thunder and rain; be very sure the sun will shine again.
After life's battles and up hill climbs; things will level out if you only give it time.
Written by Linda Cooper Batchelor
written♥ @7:00 AM
Hey, I'd like to congratulate you. Oh well, for finding me here!
And, I'd like to congratulate you again. For leaving this blog that early, yeah you're such a history
PS: My name is Yani
written♥ @3:37 PM