I don't like to sound like a failure here. But I sucked at CIVIL PROCEDURES
End of final exams!
Moody and fucked up. Ok bye
written♥ @4:47 PM
Oh God
I never fail to turn speechless everytime I see girls in harem pants. Never
Come what may, I still love my leggings. I don't care what's IN and what's NOT

Picture credit to The Fashion Police
written♥ @1:04 PM
Hey morning
I'm still feeling down. My hair sucks. Ok bye
written♥ @8:27 AM
I seriously hate my hair. I seriously hate my hair. Come repeat after me wtf
It's getting frizzier than ever. Oh I just coloured the whole hair yesterday. I forgot the colour, though. Was it mahogany or burgundy? Either way, it left this reddish shade on my hair
So there goes my blonde! I'm officially no longer a blondie. My hair was blonde for a month *woah what an achievement wtf*
I really want to straighten my hair :((
written♥ @4:50 PM
Men, they love seeing other pretty girls. But oh well, they don't want their women to look as pretty as the others. Fuck
PS: my version of wtf is actually what-the-fish! Fuck is too much to be said frequently, don't you think?
Thank you strawberry much
written♥ @7:58 AM

Hey afternoon!
So I went to Ampang Point yesterday (when I was supposed to be home studying wtf). My man wanted to do his monthly body massage there, so I said 'okay' and it turned out the massage took more than one hour! Had nothing else to do, I decided to take a walk (sms-ed Shie to meet up but that woman never replied) around the mall, and suddenly I saw this salon and decided to waste some money doing something stupid; wash and blow! Haha. Do you know that I've never done that before? I mean, purposely walk into a salon to do wash and blow. That was my first time :D so proud I'm no longer wash-and-blow virgin wtf
Oh my hair looked so nice! I couldn't remember when was the last time my hair looked that nice. So today (yes, I sat for my CPC paper this morning) I got lots of compliments :D my friends told me I looked cute (was I never cute before wtf *emo*) and I looked much better with straight hair :D
So, should I get my hair straightened?
written♥ @2:48 PM
Oh crap
I screwed. Big time. I sucked
Don't fail on me, REMEDIES
Moral of the story: well, you're not going to listen to any advice so screw you, okay?
written♥ @4:00 PM
I've just discovered the only way to maintain my curls *I hate it when it goes straight*
Don't comb your hair wtf. Seriously. It works for me
Oh well, I need to save up some money for a piece of LV Stephen Sprouse collection (the Rose Neverfull is the sweetest thing ever). Do you think my man will get one for me since I've bought the expensive *I still think it's expensive wtf* watch for his birthday (ya, ya I do expect something in return). I'm salivating. Over. A tote. Damn sad, my life
And weehoo! I've another paper tomorrow and I've never been this lazy! I read nothing! Weehoo! 'Cause I was busy updating my blogshop *ehem* I used to sell my used clothes online. Stopped it for a several months 'cause I had no time to update it (ya, ya you know how busy I am) and since my semester break is coming *yeay!* I'm starting it all over again. So yeah :D
written♥ @4:46 PM
Oh this is so random
My hair is part brownish and part blonde; due to the bleaching I had a few weeks back. It's frizzy, severely damaged and lifeless. I haven't had black hair since I was 19! I was thinking to straighten it *not rebonding though, probably relaxing*, but my friends kept telling me 'nooooo, your hair is alright'. It's not that I've never rebonded my hair, I probably did it twice and I love the fact that I actually look younger with straight hair, but I love wavy hair more. But my big wild frizzy hair is bothering the hell out of me!
My hair is naturally wavy; it has this natural curls and I think it's pretty! I once went to Thomas & Guys to trim my hair and the hairstylist repeatedly asked me 'are your curls natural?' He continued saying 'your hair is gorgeous' and that made my day! :D But the thing is my hair is short, shoulder-length and I don't think it's sexy. It's big and severely damaged *as has been mentioned above wtf* due to the chemical thingy. And thanks to the bleaching, it looks worse than ever. So, I'm thinking dye my hair again! In dark brown! Hmm
written♥ @1:39 PM
Hey afternoon!
What a healthy lifestyle. I just ate a cup of instant noodle. And have you ever heard that you're not supposed to eat unhealthy food during exams? Oh screw it. Burp
I'm so lazy to do the revision! I have no idea what I wrote for my Evidence paper yesterday 'cause seriously, I read nothing. Yes what a lazy-ass
Oh my I can't wait for our holiday! And I can't wait to give him the present gift *the most expensive gift I've ever bought, he MUST love it wtf* so come what MAYYYYY!
written♥ @11:33 AM
Hey eve!
Hurayyy it's here! The watch is here! Come jump with me wtf. My bf texted me yerterday, saying that 'Faida's item' had arrived (I'm using his office mailing address for all the online transactions). He just has no idea that the so-called Faida's item will be his on this 4th of May! :)
The other day, he was mentioning about PS2 ('cause his was stolen a year ago) so I just thought he wanted to give a hint *did I look like I care? Yes, I did* Too bad I had paid for the watch. I actually thought of buying PS2 as a gift for his birthday, but considering that PS2 would divert his attention from me wtf (I can't go shopping if his butt is glued in front of the TV)
BM- check. Evidence- check. 3 more papers to go! Bring them on! :D
written♥ @3:49 PM
Hurayyy! Happy 50th post! :)
No, no. The watch hasn't arrived, yet. I checked the record on PosLaju website this morning, and apparently they were still processing it. Yes they were so laju they forgot to update the record up to this moment *emo wtf*
I am actually clueless. About lots of things. About me being such a lazy-ass despite the first final paper on this very Monday. About the man. About men *generally* Why do I think of men, I should be thinking of my studies, have I turned into a slut wtf
Oh, I cooked! I made this oily fried rice, I was so hungry I just ate it nevermind the fact it's too oily. Till then. Bye
written♥ @4:30 PM
Hey afternoon!
The seller has sent out the watch! But, but I was worried and still am, because there was no record of the delivery of it at Pos Malaysia website :(( I know some say that it's not reliable but that doesn't stop giving me reasons to be afraid wtf!
Please arrive today, will you, please?
written♥ @1:49 PM
Hey afternoon!
Still waiting for the update for this watch, I couldn't believe that I paid RM625 for a
watch (the only watch I have is given by my man, you see. I'd rather save up some money to get a pretty handbag instead of a thing you put on your wrist to know what time it is wtf). I'm so scared that it might get lost as I never bought anything worth more than RM400 online *paranoid*

Compass, titanium blahblah. I heard he was mentioning about this compass thingy when we were in a watch shop last few weeks. I brought him to every store *he looked disgusted haha* so he brought me to the watch shop to revenge wtf. I was so happy 'cause last time when I checked the price at the watch shop, it was something like RM800++ *gasp! For a watch?* And I found it online for RM600++! Tadaa! What a precious found! :D
I can't afford to lose that watch, and my money! :(( Hope you arrive here safely, baby *referring to the watch*
Okay, catch you later. Bye!
written♥ @1:13 PM
Hey morning!
Oh I was so busy, I forgot to write about my first ever interview at AG's Chambers! It was nothing interesting, really. I was interviewed by the AG himself, and I knew I wasn't impressive at all. Too much for a future federal counsel. Haha
Bought a watch with a price tag of RM625 for the man *Paid RM625 with my own money is considered expensive wtf* I bought it online, I'm supposed to get it by today and I simply can't wait :) Will be giving it to him on this 4th of May and I hope he likes it. Wee~
Okay, later. I'm watching the Nanny wtf
written♥ @8:13 AM
Hey morning
Period pain sucks, doesn't it?
Random thought: I love girls with long hair. And I'm not trimming mine, no no
written♥ @10:04 AM
Hey morning. How life has been treating YOU?
I woke up at 1.30pm yesterday. Skipped all the classes for the whole good day and slept with no disturbance
Ate brownies for lunch and got online till the eve. I was supposed to read for my test (today!) but I didn't even bother to read. And I was sooo fortunate that the test was postponed. What a lucky woman I was
Went out for a movie; Fast and Furious 4 which was awesome! It's been a long time since I last watched a good movie, I was so grateful for joining the bf and his friend (I was initially reluctant to join, but he managed to persuade me wtf). Had our dinner at Little Penang Cafe before heading to the cinema
Went straight back home and I continued sleeping wtf
And here you are, morning. Good day!
written♥ @8:00 AM
Oh yes, despite having fuckingsad days, I've something to tell
My car (the black Satria Neo) is no longer named Neno
It's now known as GaGa now (taken respectively from its birth cert number wtf, AGA ****)
Thank you strawberry much
written♥ @5:15 PM
I'm sorry for neglecting you this long. I've gone through a chain of non-stop difficult and tiring days
What would you do if you have lost your faith in someone you really love?
A. ...
B. ...
C. ...
Make your choice
My pain is still here, staying deep here and I doubt it will ever leave me. Painful, isn't it?
written♥ @5:05 PM