I'm saving up some money for a pink handbag
Thank you
Will be heading back to PJ tomorrow! I'm so lazy to write anything. I need $$$ okay! Bye
written♥ @3:30 PM
Shopping ban: failed (miserably)
I accidentally bought a tote. Seriously, I haven't shopped for any sort of handbags since last year. I don't spend much on pants and can you believe that I only have 2 pairs of jeans? T___T
I'm confirmed on going back to PJ on this Friday. So long boredom
written♥ @1:35 PM
written♥ @5:41 PM
I'm finally in Ipoh! Phew *boredom starts to freak me out*
But, I'll be back in PJ next week! :) Oh last night we went to William's! Delicious spaghetti! And I saw these big fat mice and lots cockroaches were playing around. Haha
I'm officially on my shopping ban. Simply because I've to spend some money for something BIG whoaaa
Yayness! I've made a new record on my way back to Ipoh. 180km/h *ehem ehem* but, I just managed to do it ONCE, I tried to achieve it again but failed miserably. I only managed to reach 170km/h. Not bad for an automatic transmission PROTON car you know! *proud of myself, and luckily I didn't get killed wtf*
Okay later. I'm doing some online shopping here. Wait, window online shopping. I'm eternally broke remember?
Bye bye bye (ala N'Sync)
written♥ @2:19 PM
Kris Allen is the new American Idol. ^&*(%^^$# (very very dirty words indeed)
I know he's such a cutie pie but this is not Mr Bloody-Hell-I'm-A-Nice-Person-Everybody-Loves-Me competition. Lambert should have won. Period
Okay bye
written♥ @12:26 PM
Okay I'm officially pissed off with Facebook & Celcom Broadband
I waited for almost a day just to upload a few pics of my holiday trip! What the fishhhhh? Do you really think that I'm fucking lifeless to wait that long?!? Okay fine, I'm basically lifeless but I should be doing something else, err like eating choc cookies or strawberries wtf
I went to Pappa Rich yesterday for dinner. First time going there, upon recommendation of Jalan Jalan Cari Makan wtf. The char kuay teow tasted good. I must ask the friends to eat there for our lepak-ing session simply because we all love to eat
Okay okay bye-bye
written♥ @2:12 PM
I'm back!
So we went to Cameron Highlands on last Sunday, bought lots of strawberries and veggies and went back to PJ yesterday. The trip was not as fun as I thought it would be (as something unexpected happened in between) but it was good to see lots of new places within mere 2 days! We went to Kuala Woh (I only knew the existence of the place on last Sunday wtf) and Sungkai (who would have thought that?)
That's how weekends should be spent (apart from going to shopping malls, that is)
written♥ @12:14 PM
So I just got back from Sunway Pyramid. My man bought me a top from Forever 21 (I seriously love the colours!) and I bought a RM16 purple leggings at F-Block (first time buying there, the shopping bag is nicer than Forever 21's wtf). I would have bought the turquoise leggings if I got RM32 in my purse, but sadly enough , I was too broke I only had RM20 in my purse just now :(
I know I used to make fun of harem pants, but I think I'm going to buy one (just one, okay!)
I'm going to Cameron Highlands tomorrow! Weee!
written♥ @10:19 PM
It's Saturday! A day to go out and shop! But, I'm home doing some online shopping, err window online shopping wtf
My dad has banked in some money. But only God knows how stupid I am, I straightly paid my broadband bill; which could be used to buy new clothes! I am going back to Ipoh next week, so I obviously won't need to use the broadband modem. My man can use it, of course, but I hate to think what he's going to do when the internet is available, I've suffered enough, thank you strawberry much
Yes, life fucks me every single time. Now I need think how to pay for the cotton cardi and the floral dress I've seen at some local blogshops; they cost me RM100. Petrol, Touch n Go= RM80. If only I didn't pay the broadband bill!!!
I hate my life
written♥ @12:01 PM
I'm so in love with Kris Allen (since Lambert is a gay wtf, but I sincerely believe that Lambert will be the next American Idol)
But, that's not as important as this: I totally loveee this
Topshop's Rose Print Tunic! I haven't seen this one at any of the outlets ('cause I haven't shopped for more than a month, remember?) but it surely retails at RM200++ T__________T why am I always broke
But, there's a cheaper option! This is my Plan B! *okay, Plan A may not be achieved wtf* so let's see what the other option is! It's
Topshop's Rose Panel Tee! It's not as pretty as the tunic, but the flowers prints on it are lovely! And it's cheaper too; I so can't afford to buy the tunic now :(
I need to go to Thomas & Guys salon in Shah Alam to redeem my free gift; a bottle of shampoo which costs about RM98. I mean, who would spend RM98 for a bottle of shampoo? That's insane (ehem, this is how a poor student like me thinks wtf) But I don't know when to go there, as my man has already made his own plan *again!* and I will be staying at home doing nothing *again!*
I hate the thought of being alone. Love Kills Slowly; per Ed Hardy wtf
Good night, bye
written♥ @11:17 PM
Screw every single thing!
I heart Ed Hardy!
Buttt, again. I'm eternally broke wtf
Okay bye
written♥ @5:37 PM
Bam bam bam
Apparently, there were only 10 people who joined the class trip. Another 10 (I'm in!) did not join. Kak Bel was the the only representative of our firm wtf. So, okay. I didn't miss anything fun yesterday! Hurayyy!
I woke up at 8 today, switched on the TV to watch The Nanny, played the stupid game on the lappie, watched Oprah's, went out to buy my lunch. Oh I feel empty
I actually went to Sunway Pyramid last night, 'cause my man wanted to buy me a new top to be worn for the holiday trip wtf (I never purposely bought a new top for a holiday trip!) I was not prepared to go shopping yesterday, I was all moody and fucked up, 'cause I was wearing my 'Giant outfit'! In case you're wondering what 'Giant outfit' is, it's actually the outfit I usually wear to Giant wtf. Sloppy, that is. I mean, you don't dress up to go the Giant only to buy chicken right?
My man didn't tell me where we were heading to, and then he said 'let's go to Sunway to buy your stuff' wtf. We went straight to Nichii, 'cause I thought they might have something that could catch my attention,but I was bored and I left the mall without buying anything. Didn't speak anything to my man. I was deeply hurt
I mean, if you're sincere enough to buy something for me, you won't mind spending a little bit, right?
Okay bye
written♥ @1:53 PM
Holiday mode starts now!
But I don't think I'm going to enjoy it anyway
How could my life be that pathetic?
Well, last night was the last meeting with all the classmates. Went to Secret Recipe (the spaghetti sucks, trust me) for Sir's treat. I ended up buying a slice of Chocolate Banana cake for myself 'cause I didn't finish eating the spaghetti. Left early (while the classmates were discussing about the class trip, I just don't wanna go, 'cause I simply don't feel like going) and went straight back home
They must hate me. But seriously, I'm too broke to join them. I am moneyless, helpless and clueless. I woke up at 10am today, only to find out that there's no food at home. Oh found a packet of spicy corn chips and ate the whole of it for lunch. And I'm back to my hungry mode. Corn chips are not my usual lunch okay
I've signed up for Twitter! Haha. Still no follower up till today (I created my account yesterday) and I'm so ashamed to let people know that I already have a Twitter account 'cause I'm afraid that nobody won't be interested to follow me. See, I'm not only moneyless, helpless and clueless, but I'm also friendless wtf. I'm basically lifeless
My man won't be spending Friday night with me as he already has his own plan; karaoke with his friends. Oh yes, I'm not only moneyless, helpless, clueless and friendless, I'm also loveless. My life is beautiful wtf
I'm gonna play some stupid games on the lappie. 'Cause I'm worth it
Okay bye
written♥ @2:06 PM
You surely notice that I'm totally bored; as this is my second post of crap today
Have I told you that I haven't shopped for more than a month? Or is it almost a month I've totally forgotten wtf. But the point is, I need to shop
I'm currently in love with sweet floral prints! Yes, as seen in Topshop (but I can't afford wtf)
Have to do some laundry and get ready for our last class for this semester!
Okay bye
written♥ @4:23 PM

Hurayyy! I can finally say GOODBYE to LLB 1B!
I am so done with my mock trial. No more assignments. No more submissions. No more trials. No more calculations. No more staying at firm for more than 12 freaking hours!
But well, I will surely miss my firm mates :( From complete strangers, we have developed a very special relationship :)
All 5 of us went to William's for Ben's treat! Had to leave early because I was fucking tired. Reached home at 12.30am, washed my oily hair and went straight to bed. No pictures 'cause I'm not a camera whore wtf
Today will be the last day at the OFFICE. I still have to come 'cause the other firm has not presented their submission. Plusss, our Sir has promised us a treat! :D
What a journey :)
written♥ @9:52 AM
Oh fuckkk
I lost my contact lens! I believe it's been inside my left eye for more than 8 hours! :(
I slept with my lenses yesterday (I swear to God I didn't aware that I was wearing them the whole night). Woke up this morning, I was searching for them in their case, anddd I almost fainted when they were not there!
I managed to pull out one inside my right eye. The left eye? Well, it's still a mystery wtf
My life is really fucked up :(
written♥ @10:50 AM
I've finally got myself a boyfriend shirt! And it's really my boyfriend's shirt (tell me I'm a genius now wtf)
I was actually thinking what to wear for dinner when I suddenly realised that I had not bought anything new for almost a month :(
Told you I'm eternally broke wtf
Buttt, I asked my man if he had any shirt that he no longer wears. He then gave me his vintage Versace *ehem* denim shirt, and I wore it with my favourite basic leggings! Ohhh so comfy! :)
PS: mock trial; tomorrow!!!
written♥ @10:36 PM
Oh fuck
I've just found out that Adam Lambert (my favourite contestant of American Idol) is a GAY
I still love you, Adam
Okay bye
written♥ @1:23 PM

Fat girl (pardon my frizzy hair)
I am a happy girl! I am currently downloading songs that I listened to when I was at high school! Backstreet Boys', N'Sync's, Westlife's etc! Oh I miss those days! :(
Everybodyyy yeahhh (I once wanted to be Nick Carter's wife wtf). Foool againnn (Kian was my favorite member of Westlife). It's gonna be meee (I was never attracted to Justin and the rest of N'Sync)
I am 23. Damnit. Okay bye
written♥ @8:19 PM

I saw this dress at MNG The Curve last weekend. Loved it. But didn't have enough money to purchase it (and still don't have the money up till today wtf). Lovely, isn't it? I want to buy this okay bye
written♥ @1:30 PM
Hey eve!
I'm finally home! I left home at 8.30am to meet up with Pak Mid (don't ask who he is) and went straight to the office to finish our work (and it's not even finished! T________T)
Today's a hot day, isn't it?

At the lovable Law Faculty (in front of my office wtf)
Okay bye
written♥ @7:07 PM
I hate my fringe
Why do I keep hating my hair these days wtf
I. Need. To. Go. Shopping!
But I'm broke. T_______________T okay bye
written♥ @10:37 AM
I'm hurt. What do YOU mean when you say that you doubt that people will notice me? Am I that ugly?
written♥ @7:12 PM
I officially hate my oily hair
Oh so I went to Faiza's BBQ party last night, and I wasn't having any fun meeting people whom I'm not closely related to. Bah. So I left the party very, very early (I even didn't eat the chicken okay, it's chicken *my staple food wtf* we're talking about here)
My holiday trip to Cameron Highlands is confirmed! We'll be staying at Heritage Hotel :) The only thing that's left now is the mock trial! Hmm. I hate law
Okay I'm fugly okay bye
PS: my Satria Neo is no longer known as GaGa wtf. Its new name is to be thought of soon
written♥ @8:17 AM
written♥ @4:48 PM

Super oily hair wtf
So I gave it to him this morning. And he liked it! :)
Hmm. Money well spent wtf
My face is fucking oily. My hair is double-fucking oily. Gonna wash my hair tonight!
By the way, I'm still contemplating whether to go or not to got to Faiza's party at her condo tonight. I mean, I haven't eaten my man's birthday cake that I bought yesterday ('cause I slept very early okay). Hmm
I'm hungry, and I need to feed my tummy okay bye
written♥ @8:17 AM
Hmm. Cannot wait!
PS: I'm brokenly broke wtfff
written♥ @5:06 PM
Period pain sucks!
Okay, it's very hard for me not to wash my hair for at least 3 days 'cause it tends to get oily every now and then. And I hate the chemical smell on my hair. Yucks
Will be going to Shah Alam today as the man wants to alter his jeans. And will be celebrating his birthday tonight! What will be his reaction upon seeing the watch? :D but he probably won't care wtf
Okay bye
written♥ @10:03 AM
I just did hair relaxing!
At Thomas & Guys, SACC. For RM318 (inclusive of total repair treatment)
And I hate it (Kak Belle *who went to SACC with me* loves it!)
Okay bye
PS: my mom and dad ROCK! My mom and dad ROCK! Okay bye (this time is true okay wtf)
written♥ @5:49 PM
Hey night!
I just got back from Sunway Pyramid! I've finally got myself a pair of gladiator heels! So lame I know. Well, I didn't buy it. My man did :)
It's lovely!
And I think Nichii clothes are all nice! And they are wayyy cheaper than Topshop wtf. So will buy more clothes from Nichii haha!
Ok bye
written♥ @10:42 PM