I hate the fact that I am broke
I seriously need that Topshop floral t-shirt or I won't talk to anyone for 3 days wtf
written♥ @11:54 AM
I had a nightmare
And the nightmare was YOU
I wish I could turn back time
So I would never know YOU
And I would never live in lies for years
written♥ @5:32 PM
Have you bought something and you thought you might like it but you just did not and could not?
Well, I have T___T
I bought a black blazer online, thinking that I would wear it with my maxi dresses, tank tops etc, but the moment I tried it on, I knew it would be left untouched in the closet wtf. I looked, hmm, fugly in it. Like, seriously. And I purchased it for RM55! Err okay that's cheap but not in my case. I'm broke, okay? Like totally broke. Yes, really, really broke
Can someone please buy it? 'Cause God knows how bad I need the $$$
Fuck my life
written♥ @5:21 PM
Not a good way to start a day T___T
Well, guess what? I just found that my phone bill costs me hmm, almost RM160 wtf. RM98 is charged for monthly commitment (not that I'm complaining of) but the remaining amount. I didn't make lots of phone calls or send thousands of SMSes! Life fucks me, again
We went to Sunway Pyramid yesterday after my man got back from his camping trip, he was tired but I forced him to go anyway, 'cause I wanted to know whether this Topshop floral t-shirt is already available at our local store! Lovely, isn't it? I know my man won't approve me buying this (he'll say things like 'it looks cheap' blabla) but I really don't care :D

And no, it's not here yet, so I bought this shirt instead. My man loves it and can't stop telling me it's worth the money wtf. If only I knew that I could pay my phone bill with the price of this shirt isk isk T___T

written♥ @10:49 AM
I am alone
Hmm. My business is doing very well. I managed to sell off one of my bags, but 5 minutes later, I bought a jacket T__T
Money comes and money goes. Wtf
When is Celcom going to send my phone bill?
Okay bye
written♥ @11:19 PM
No, it's not white. It's PINK :D
I always wanted to buy shoes online, but I was scared that I would buy the wrong size. Err actually, I'm not sure what my size really is. 7 or 8, it keeps changing wtf. And since I no longer buy my shoes at Vincci (very typical, not?) so it's very frustrating to see the blogshop owners refer to Vincci sizing when describing the sizes of the shoes
I am bored. Okay bye
written♥ @5:09 PM
My handbag has arrived at my man's office. I hope it's PINK and not WHITE because last time I checked the website (yes, bought it online) the pink one was stated as available and the white one was sold. It sure sucks if the seller has posted the wrong handbag T___T
I used to hate being all girly. I used to hate the colour of PINK. I used to hate floral prints. I used to wear t-shirts with skull prints, ripped jeans and a pair of black flip flops
And I surely have changed a lot. Pink is now, my favourite colour wtf. The main reasons I begged my man to buy me a BB Pearl Flip is because it's a flip phone and it's PINK. Not because its functions wtf. My pouch is pink too. I actually didn't want to buy the pouch because of its price (RM18 OMG I thought I could eat a plate of prawn olio at Pizza Hut) but since my man insisted that my expensive BB (it's his, technically 'cause he was the one paying for it) should be protected and handled with care wtf, so I bought that stupid pouch T___T
And talking about my new handbag! It's PINK! Who would have ever thought that I'd buy a pink handbag for myself? Hmm. Err, the status is still cloudy wtf. I might have gotten a white handbag instead of pink. Oh well
I still wear flip flops though. To Giant and anywhere near my house, that is. But you'll be seeing me wearing heels (mostly at malls and fancy restaurants err haha *I don't go to fancy restaurants that often*) and carrying my handbag with pride. Do you know that I used to own only one bag and it was my sling denim bag with lots of studs spelling 'ROCK'? T____T I'm now hoping to buy a magenta tote from Coach but as usual, too broke to be true. Fuck my life
Okay bye
written♥ @3:08 PM
I went to Midvalley yesterday. I wanted to shop at Topshop but we (my man and I) didn't like anything we saw so we left. And totally forgot to go to Dorothy Perkins (DP) wtf T___T
And this morning, I was browsing through DP website and... I saw this

Awww so pretty! I love, love, love the prints! I wanted to buy another floral top last week (below) but my man thought it seriously looked cheap T____T

So this was bought. Yes, sure, it's lovely but I was looking for something floral wtf T____T

written♥ @10:17 AM
This is the official 100th post okay? Hahaha
I passed! But my GPA sucks T________T not bad considering I never studied for my exams wtf
I just got back from the post office! I sent three items today! I've sold 5 items so far :D my friend bought 2 items, this Chinese girl bought 2 items as well and this Malay girl bought 1 item. There are lots more that I'm trying to get rid of; God knows how bad I need the $$$ T_________T
My BB needs a makeover! My phone bill is to be issued on this 18th. So I can't spend on anything before getting the bill. And yes, I still have to spare RM68 for my broadband bill (which is due on this 16th) and RM50 (I was desperate to buy a pair of heels for my convocation so I borrowed from my friend. Fuck my life)
written♥ @4:11 PM
I've a strong feeling that I'll fail in my exams. Result is to be announced at 5.30pm
written♥ @4:09 PM
OMG last post was not the 100th post! It was the 97th post (I figured out that I had some drafts that's why)
So this is the 98th post. T____________T
Well, I'm selling one of my handbags and it's Nine West. I think RM50 is cheap enough for an authentic Nine West; a medium sized handbag. This girl e-mailed me and asked me to sell it at RM30 inclusive of PosLaju. I was like, what the fuck? Couldn't she be considerate enough? Some people..
My pre-loved items!
written♥ @8:49 AM
So this is my 100th post. Hmm
Yes, another lame post but whatever
I managed to sell two of my pre-loved clothes! Wee! But since the buyer is actually a friend of mine, she just paid me half of the purchase price T____________T and promised to bank in the remaining balance tonight. I hope she meant it when she said that 'cause God knows how broke I really am
My BB (BlackBerry) is super nice but I've to spend more than hundreds to pay for the bill alone
:( oh I've to pay another RM68 for my Celcom broadband wowww you tell me how could I possibly go shopping like this. Damn sad; my life :(
That Topshop floral top, the pink Chanel-inspired handbag <-- kiss me goodbye. See how poor I am, I can't even afford to buy a Chanel-inspired handbag let alone an authentic one. My life is great, man
KTHXBYE. Oh, happy 100th post to yanilivesherlife.blogspot.com wtf
written♥ @12:37 PM
I joined a UK spree on 2/3 weeks ago. E-mailed the seller but did not get any reply. I really don't mind waiting but she doesn't have courtesy to inform me about the late arrival; which annoys me muthafucka
I paid RM60 for that pants! I should had used the money to buy my pink handbag! Uhm, I'm actually still waiting for my allowance. I need to spare RM50. I need to spare RM68 for my broadband. I need to spare RM100. Damn how to buy that handbag like this T_____________________________________________T
written♥ @4:26 PM
I'm broke and I mean it
But I still want that Topshop floral top! And I want that pink handbag as well! It's Chanel inspired quilted handbag (yes I know, but I guess it's not too late to have it as the design is very classic wtf) and it's PINK!
Btw, I'm updating my blogshop; specifically for my pre-loved items. It seems like nobody's interested :(
My life is fucked up!
PS: the result is coming outtt T_______________________T
written♥ @10:25 AM
I just got back from Sunway Pyramid (my second home wtf)
I really wanted to buy this floral top from Topshop, I kept telling my man what a beauty that top really is, but he never showed any interest in buying it for me T____T
So I bought a tunic at Dorothy Perkins instead (simply 'cause my man loves the prints and he's paying for it)
My Blackberry is LOVE! Weee! Later :)
written♥ @4:03 PM
I am fucking lazy to blog about almost anything. My convocation went well but the photos sucked. FML
I need to shop. Like seriously. And I will be updating my blogshop later. Hmmm. Bye
written♥ @2:27 PM
I (read: my man) finally bought a new phone! I now own a Blackberry Pearl :D
So I'm currently busy with it wtf. Oh by the way, the rehearsal went well and my shopping ban failed again this time. I went to Sunway Pyramid with Min and Shie right after the rehearsal, and I bought a floral top without thinking much. Oh, bought a pair of black heels too. Haha. Yes, I was really on a shopping ban
Tomorrow: CONVOCATION! O M G I'm so scared!
written♥ @2:53 PM