written♥ @12:08 PM
Hmm. I have a thing for make-ups now T__T
I'm actually hoping to buy some MAC lipstick, lip gloss, mascara, eye shadow, foundation etc. I don't know how on earth I could be like this wtf. You see, I used to hate all these girly things when I was still a teenager. Err, I'm still a teenager wtf hmm 'when I was younger' sounds better. I started buying foundation at Elianto (haha I know I was such a cheapo T__T) for RM35 (if I'm not mistaken) but I never wore it 'cause it sure sucked. It's still on my rack by the way, yes, it was left untouched for a few years, but I'm gonna throw it away later :D
I'm currently using Elianto blusher too! It's only RM12 (yeah yeah I know I was and still am cheapo). I showed it to my firm mates the other day and they started to laugh their asses off. I was kinda pissed, asking them why they were laughing. My blusher apparently contained 'bibola' instead of 'biloba' T__T so much of 'Made in Italy' *hangs myself* Buttt, I've just got myself a new blusher! Yeay! My current compact powder is from Maybelline (RM14.90 after discount) okay so what if I'm really a cheapo? T__T but I've got myself a new one too! Double yeay!
I'm thinking to buy a new foundation too, but I just bought a mousse foundation from Rimmel last week (at the warehouse sale). It's nice, even though it's cheap. I was told by the sales advisor that the original price was RM45+ but I got it for RM20 *proud wtf* I've been using Maybelline mascara for years now and it's doing great so far. I'm grateful to be blessed with long eyelashes, any mascara will work wonders on me. Eyeliner is not needed as I have a pair of big eyes :))
Hope my phone bill for this month will not cost a bomb --> so I can buy more make-ups :D
What a happy girl I am! *very rare to see me saying this wtf*
written♥ @3:14 PM
Just when I thought that I would save up some money for my monthly phone bill & some Topshop goodies,
I bought a blusher and a compact powder from MAC T__T
I'm still waiting for my beauty product I bought at eBay to arrive! Hmm, it's actually a whitening body scrub :D
PS: It's 5.48pm and I still haven't started doing my assignments! Don't kill me wtf
written♥ @5:43 PM
I'm going to make a very important announcement. Right here, right now wtf
I'm gonna start doing my ACP2 (Advanced Civil Procedures 2) today!
It's 1.55pm and I haven't started doing anything, yet. Fuck my life
PS: I have been eating chocolate like crazy since the first day of semester break. White bread & Nutella for breakfast, Van Houten chocolate bar for lunch, chocolate ice-cream while watching TV and now I feel like eating my favourite Ferrero Rocher kthxbye
written♥ @1:51 PM
If I can ever leave you, I will. I have suffered enough, and I cannot wait for your turn to bleed
A liar will always be a liar. So screw you. I don't need you to rock my world. I rock my own
So long, sucker
written♥ @7:21 PM
Let's just say that I'm too lazy to do anything. Any single thing
I haven't started doing any of my assignments. I haven't done the laundry. I haven't thought of what to eat tonight wtf
Err, and I bought something on eBay this morning! Oh I'm never lazy for any sort of retail therapy *in case you're wondering* It's actually a beauty product (my first time buying such thing online)
Kthxbye. I want to continue doing thing that I'm good at. Lazying around
written♥ @3:25 PM
I am addicted to Iced Teh Tarik Hazelnut at Noodle Station
Morning! Today is the first day of my one week semester break. I have lots of assignments to do but I err hmm *start yawning*
On a random note, do you know that I will never have to wear eyeliners? My eyes are blessed with this natural black 'eyeliner'. ThankGOD! *while thinking how much $$$ can be saved wtf*
written♥ @10:47 AM
I bought a pair of pink & brown heels today!
50% off!
RM89 -> RM44.50
written♥ @9:38 PM
I want need this!

Can someone please bring me to Topshop wtf
written♥ @4:25 PM
UiTM is officially 'closed' for a week due to the fucking H1N1
I have never ever thought that I would feel like this; I hate this unintended semester break
My firm mates and I went to a warehouse sale at Stadium Melawati in Shah Alam before our night class yesterday. I did not intend to buy anything there but T_T. Ended up buying a facial mousse, one lipstick and one lip gloss. But I was practically happy that I bought something to enhance my look wtf
Oh I am all alone this weekend T_T My man went to Jakarta yesterday and he would be coming back tomorrow eve. I was thinking to do some shopping this weekend but Faiza just texted me, asking me to pay the house rent. Hmm
Later! Kthxbye
written♥ @1:40 PM
Meet my new baby...

written♥ @8:59 PM
I fell sick yesterday
And I dyed my hair. Dark brown. But it looks black wtf
written♥ @5:17 PM
I've been very busy since the new semester started
Thankgod I'll have no class on this weekend. But I've 5 cases to be read within these two days T__T
My first presentation: next Monday
written♥ @7:36 PM
My lazydays end tonight

I've got this already! Weee!
written♥ @10:17 PM


All I want right now is a Juicy Couture handbag
That's ALL
And that's really ALL
Oh wait, that's NOT all. I still need $$$ wtf
written♥ @6:27 PM
I'm NOT okay, I promise
Other than that, kiss my ass
written♥ @1:05 PM