It looks like I'll be eternally broke
written♥ @5:06 PM
After +- 2 hours of driving from Ipoh to PJ, my man and I went to Sunway Pyramid (duh, where else wtf) to find a new dress for my annual dinner. Went to a boutique that was suggested by a friend, and the dresses were T__T
To cut it short, I thought of buying the dress I saw at Nichii the other day so I happily walked into Nichii and guess what? I found another similar dress with 50% discount! It was originally priced for RM249 and I was so lucky; I bought it at +-RM125! :)) Then I bought a shawl at Forever 21. It was pretty, and I straight away went to the cashier without looking at the price tag; only to find out that the shawl was about RM50 wtf. I could have bought a basic tee with that price T__T
I'm going to the office in a bit. Later!
written♥ @10:45 AM
I wanna buy a new handbag!
written♥ @2:24 PM
2nd crap for today! :D
They are not home yet, so I'm still all alone. I quit playing Sorority Life for a few hours to get some works done but hmm. Well I guess I don't need to explain wtf
I forgot to bring my worklist for Ethics! (I planned to do my Ethics assignment before doing anything else) T_________T I think I must had left it at the office before going back home last Friday. I brought the Act and a bundle of cases with me, but I'm clueless about what sections and cases should I read. On a positive side, I finally managed to start on my opinion writing! :D Evidence assignment gave me a headache so that would be the last thing to be done during this holiday
I'm going to read one of my Ethics cases (I think this is the correct case, I can't remember what the other case is) tonight. I'll continue doing my opinion writing and start on evidence assignment tomorrow. Yay! :)
written♥ @7:15 PM
I'm home, alone. Yay! I love being home alone wtf
All of them left me this morning to go to relatives' houses. I was the one wanted to stay at home, planning to do my assignments but yes, guess what, I had not started doing anything T_T
As a matter of fact, I played Sorority Life on Facebook and got attacked for several times till I was terminally depressed T_T Fuck those bitches who attacked me, what did I do wrong to you?!? By the way, my avatar's name is Smexyvee. What the hell, right?
This is why I hate staying in Ipoh. I can never do my assignments here! Err but I never get to do them elsewhere too wtf. But yes, apart from having NO friends to go out with, my room stinks too! T_T this is a serious matter, I tell you. I have no idea why it smells so bad! Probably because I'm here 24/7 everytime I'm back in Ipoh. But I just can't get along with my parents and my brothers I've to stay in my own world. Hmm
My relatives are coming here on this Wednesday (the day I'm supposed to go back to PJ). I guess I'll meet them for a while before leaving :)
That's all for now. Let me try doing something good when I'm home alone, okay? Later!
written♥ @2:19 PM
Today is the 1st day of Syawal, well basically it's Hari Raya! :)
I woke up late today, at 8.30am (my mom had to scream so loud, I think my neighbours could hear it--> just to wake me up wtf). Ate lemang with curry before heading back to my kampung in Taiping
Hari Raya was okay, nothing unusual but I didn't get any duit raya. But my grandpa came to me and asked for duit raya from me T_T I told him I haven't started working. No, not yet T_T
Anddd now I'm home! Watching some stupid shows on TV and I'll start doing my assignment tonight! :D
written♥ @6:42 PM
Have you ever felt unwanted and unwelcomed?
I have. And I am
I have never felt like I don't belong here
Like a kite; I wish wind could bring me wherever it may go
Good night
Oh, tie me to the end of a kite
So I can go on, I can go on with my life
Every marigold I pass below will be my guiding light
I just want to go away from here
Oh, tie me to the end of a kite
So I can go on, I can go on with my life
Every time the wind blows stronger, I will feel my spirit rise
I just want to go away from here
Oh, tie me up tightly by your side
So I may go with you where ever you reside
And anytime the road looks dimmer
I will be your guiding light
I just want to go away with you
I just want to go away with you
written♥ @7:08 PM
I'm back in my hometown :)
I went to Nichii yesterday, looking for a new dinner dress and I found one! But I was so broke I couldn't buy it. It costs about RM250 (expensive, no?) and I only had like RM50 in my purse T_T Buttt since I'm going back to PJ this Wednesday, the first thing I'm going to buy is that dress!
Selamat Hari Raya! :)
written♥ @3:15 PM
I've been super busy lately. Loads of assignments to be completed, cases to be read I've barely done anything else in between!
I bought a dress for my annual dinner (so busy to go to the mall, I had to buy it online wtf) but it didn't fit me well! T___T I looked so fat nevermind the fact that I am fat but I really looked and felt fugly in it! So I decided to sell it now but who's going to buy that :(
Will go back to my hometown tomorrow morning. Yayyy! :D And I'll be going out with the man in a bit to find a new dress. Later!
written♥ @2:04 PM
Hello world!
I'm here at my office. Yes, on a holiday T_T I've 8 hours of classes. Isn't it awesome?
Oh, I just received a 'great' news. I'll be having 3 tests next week, fcukmylife!
written♥ @12:04 PM
I finally wore my sexy lacey top and had Chinese food for break-fasting at my favourite Chinese restaurant in Shah Alam :D
Bought a pair of Crocs (in Cotton Candy, the lightest shade of PINK!) today! I bought it online 'cause it's cheaper than the ones in boutiques. Tell me I'm a genius wtf
written♥ @10:01 PM
I couldn't remember the last time I shopped for/bought something
Oh now I could! I bought a lacey top which I didn't get to wear, yet T_T fasting month= not a good time to wear something which would reveal my bra wtf
My next purchase (hopefully, hopefully) @ Topshop would be this :D it's so pretty isn't it?

written♥ @9:34 PM