So I've been missing for a few days. The fixed line at home was having a problem, thus Streamyx obviously could not be used T_T
Due to Hari Raya Aidiladha and long holidays, Telekom only came to fix the line this evening! But yayyy! I can get online 24/7 tomorrow and I'll be heading back to PJ on Wednesday. Phew
Later :)
written♥ @6:32 PM
Hey, I'm in Ipoh for Aidil Adha celebration tomorrow
Other than that, that white Mazda 3 Sport driven by this guy with no dick can kiss my ass!
written♥ @3:20 PM
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written♥ @8:54 PM
Hello world!
Woke up late today, as usual. Had wholemeal bread for breakfast (and probably for lunch too FML) and watched Oprah's. Facebook-ed, just to play Sorority Life wtf do you think my life can get more exciting than this? T_T
I don't know why I keep thinking about the past, things that had been hurting (and haunting) me all this while
written♥ @11:29 AM
OMG isn't this sweetest pussybow tunic ever? I so want this! OMG! *faints* I did not see this at Topshop outlet in Sunway Pyramid yesterday, so I wonder if it's already available in other outlets T_T But I can't afford to buy it at its original price wtf, MUST wait for the sales!
I saw the cutest cardigan ever yesterday at Topshop. It's beige (or maybe white, I was in rush, my bestie kept pulling me away from it wtf) with polka dots prints and two black bows on its little pockets! I managed to look at its price tag; RM143 but I was too broke already, I had spent over RM150 within a few hours FML. I'm not a fan of cardigans but that cardigan is really cute oh I'm in love :D
Why can't we have everything we want?!? Okay, okay I shouldn't have asked that question, I know T_T
Oh, I saw one of the cutest floral tops at Dorothy Perkins yesterday. It was cheaper than those at Topshop (cheaper merely by a few ringgits wtf) but I honestly thought it was much prettier too. I wanted to buy that too (see, I wanted to buy everything) but again, I was br.. do I need to say it again?
written♥ @11:41 AM
I just got back from Sunway Pyramid (where else T_T), shopping with my bestie! :D
Bought a pair of black jeggings at Dorothy Perkins (save RM30!) and a pair of pink velvet with diamante flats!
But I'm broke. Too broke to be true FML
Will be heading back to Ipoh next week, so I guess it's okay to shop while I'm still in PJ. Later!
written♥ @4:34 PM

Isn't that sweet?
Oh yes, I just bought the sweetest bow top ever! :D Okay I lied. I purchased a floral blouse with a big pink bow at MNG approximately a year ago, but I only wore it once. Yes, once. Or maybe twice wtf. I used to be a big fan of MNG, I religiously went to the boutiques every week to check out their latest collection
I honestly have no idea when I started to abandon MNG. I got upset when I bought expensive blouses there only to find out that the blouses were sold at much, much cheaper prices on sales. And they had their sales so frequent I got so annoyed, so I said to myself that I would never ever buy anything at MNG again. And I'm so proud to say I haven't bought anything there ever since :D But I do love their purses, though!
Okay, that's all for now. Just wanna share my purchase for today! Later :)
written♥ @6:35 PM
OMG I'm so addicted with Sorority Life (yes, the game) on FB!
Pathetic, isn't it?
I've been doing nothing but playing that shit 24/7. ThankGod I'm so done (err, really?) with my exams and all, so I could focus on playing the game :D
I hope my dad banks in some money for me tonight so I can do some online shopping
written♥ @4:54 PM
I've been playing some games on Facebook since 8am, f my life. I surely miss my firm mates and other people at the faculty, and surprisingly, I miss going to classes too. Surprise, surprise
I went to my office yesterday, to pick up some stuffs. I don't know how to say this, but I was very sad when I looked at the empty chairs and desks. No more loud noise from me, no more loud laughter from Faida, no more gossips from the girls at the other side etc T_T
Yes, it's true. We only start to appreciate things when they no longer belong to us. LL.B (2B), thank you for the memories
written♥ @5:55 PM
Good day!
I'm now at Midvalley Megamall, doing some shopping :D
Just bought a blouse at Topshop --> 50% less. Wee!
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written♥ @3:41 PM
I hate this lace craze; because I'm always a big fan of lace (I wear lace even if it's not IN) and I hate the fact that people think I wear lace because it's currently in trend now wtf. Excuse me, just because everybody is doing it does not mean that I'm part of it
PS: Happy birthday mom!
written♥ @10:39 PM
I'm just too lazy to go out to buy some food for lunch T_T
As a matter of fact, I'm just too lazy to do anything. I've been sitting on this sofa since morning and I couldn't wake up. I just couldn't afford to wake up
I have to go shopping, tomorrow. I have to!
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written♥ @1:11 PM
It's finally over; I'm done with my exams, the last exams (hopefully T_T) after 5 years of reading law!
My firm mates, my classmates, my lecturers (err.. ) - you'll be DEEPLY missed
I thought I would be happy when it all ended. I guess I was wrong :((
written♥ @2:10 PM
Testing wtf!
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written♥ @2:10 PM
I'm sad
I really wanted to buy this Coach handbag at eBay (I couldn't even sleep thinking about it), I bid for it once I got the money, only to find out that someone outbid me just a few seconds before the bidding ended
written♥ @11:35 AM
written♥ @7:14 PM
I've my EVIDENCE final exam paper tomorrow but I haven't read ANYTHING, yet!
I'm dead
written♥ @2:05 PM
The reasons why I stopped blogging for over a month:
1) netty (my netbook; sounds so obscene wtf) went crazy. I had to spend RM200 just to fix it (I could have bought something; like the gorgeous tee I saw at Topshop T_T)
2) I was indeed a busy bee. LL.B (Hons) is really a bitch
3) I shopped too little wtf (this is not one of the reasons but I haven't gone shopping in ages!)
I'm currently having my final exams. I'm done with 2 papers already and there are 3 more to come! Will be back once everything is DONE. I just can't wait! :)
written♥ @8:04 AM
Do you miss me?
Hello YOU! Yes, YOU!
written♥ @11:15 AM