Today is the last day of 2009!
But yeah. Tomorrow is just another day. So why bother? I'm just grateful that I'm still able to live my life - Yani Lives Her Life haha lame, I know :P
PS: this would be the last post in 2009! :D you're getting old my dear diary
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written♥ @3:48 PM
1. I have arrived in Ipoh. Alhamdulillah
2. I'll start working at AGC next Monday. Alhamdulillah
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written♥ @4:00 PM
My body may be there, but my soul is here. I hate going back to Ipoh. My parents are there but I barely talk to them. My lil brother is there too, but I never talk to him. I love being here, doesn't matter if I'm all alone, because being there won't make any difference. I will still be alone. I will be in my room 24/7 with no one to talk to
Oh I'm sick
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written♥ @6:40 PM
Have you been to the lowest point of your life?
I have
And I am still there; wishing to get out
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written♥ @8:16 PM
Euw. My face is full of nasty pimples! I hate I hate I hate!
*disgusted, annoyed wtf*
I'm not home now, so will be properly blogging when I get back. Till then!
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written♥ @12:41 PM

Is this already available at any Topshop outlets? I wanttttt!
Okay bye
written♥ @8:51 PM
Yes, I shopped again! T_T
I wanted to go to Midvalley Megamall to buy a new pair of flip flops but my man successfully convinced me to go somewhere else (he hates going there wtf) so we headed to Sunway Pyramid. I did NOT plan to buy anything but the flip flops. But oops. I stepped into Miss Selfridge, nothing caught my attention. I didn't go to Dorothy Perkins 'cause I just bought a blouse there last week (and I was wearing it wtf) so I stepped into Topshop and tadaaa! I fell in love with this;

Isn't it pretty? :D I was indeed looking for an oversize shirt and so glad that I finally found one! My man bought it for me anyway :D :D And I got my RM25 voucher :D :D :D
Bought a pair of Ipanema flip flops *in PINK, if I may add* :D :D :D :D
written♥ @9:35 PM
I'm still in pain. Apparently, I walked too much wtf. Oh well, these are the things that I bought yesterday (in my shopping-alone-spree)

Stripey tunic top, bought at Dorothy Perkins. The sleeves are pretty! And there are two gold buttons sewn on top of the sleeves at both sides :D Looks great with opaque tights (but I'm too shy to wear opaque tights wtf) so I'm going to wear it with footless tights instead *yawns*
Topshop basic tee. With ruched sleeves. The actual colour is brighter than this. This is my FIRST basic tee. Yes, it is *sad face wtf*
Okay bye
written♥ @5:06 PM
Hello! :D
Woke up early today to jog. Okay I lied. To walk wtf. 3 rounds altogether, that was really an achievement. Then went to Subang Jaya for breakfast
My man was involved in a campaign (something about public transport; I forgot T_T) held at Sunway Convention Centre so I asked him whether I could join -> to shop wtf. There were so many people, I hate shopping at a crowded place!
Nevertheless, I bought two tops at Dorothy Perkins and Topshop. Err thankGod I managed to realise that I had no more cash when I saw that fuchsia flats at Vincci T_T
But shopping alone was fun! Not that I don't enjoy shopping with my man, but I feel happier when I shop alone. Is this normal wtf?
Till then, good night. I really need a good rest :D
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written♥ @9:40 PM
It has come. It has come again. It's the time of the month. No, I'm not menstruating. I'm just broke
I bought a handbag, a pair of wet-look leggings *yes, I only have the guts to buy it NOW, who cares what's IN and what's OUT haha* and am still trying to purchase a shirt!
I'm actually looking for something long, long enough to cover my ass when I wear leggings wtf. But I fail to find ONE. How? :(
Gotta continue searching. Bye-bye!
written♥ @2:31 PM
Via Celcom Broadband wtf. I have decided not to go to the second interview session at AGC this Monday, simply because my name is not in the list! T_T hopefully I won't be left out, God knows how sad I will be if I am to continue with my jobless moment
Ohhh well. Bye
written♥ @6:31 PM
Okay, I have paid RM68 out of God-knows-how-much-I-actually-owe to Celcom!
So can you please let me continue surfing the net?
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written♥ @5:49 PM
I totally have no idea whether Celcom has terminated my broadband service 'cause I have stopped receiving my bills T_T
I have finally completed my studies! Yay! I'm now a law graduate :D I just went to AGC this morning to submit my final exam results. Hopefully everything goes well :)
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written♥ @5:31 PM
I'm still updating my blog via my mobile, 'cause you know I haven't paid my bills yet T_T
Life is really difficult when you are totally broke like me wtf
My results are scheduled to come out tomorrow omg I'm so scared!
What if? What if? What if?
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written♥ @10:16 AM
No internet connection, I failed to pay the bills for months already wtf
Went to OU last Saturday to do some shopping. And guess what? I finally saw the pussybow blouse that I wanted to buy at Topshop! Looking at the price tag alone made me went T_T
Must wait for the next sales wtf!
Ended up buying a long shirt with sweet floral prints at Dorothy Perkins. It was so pretty! :)
Oh, I bought a peach top at Topshop last month I think, but I never had the chance to wear it till now. My man and I went out again yesterday, and I was thinking to wear that top, only to find out that one of the buttons was falling out
No, I never knew how to sew anything T_T
So yes, it's that time again. My broke moment has come again. Kthxbye
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written♥ @12:58 PM
I'm finally back in PJ! I was a good girl, really. I didn't speed up. That much T_T
So hungry! *nevermind the fact that I ate nasi lemak for breakfast wtf*
Going to Shah Alam for dinner with my man. Lalala~
written♥ @4:58 PM